If you’re part of the demographic group popularly known as “millennials” — born from 1981 to 1997, as defined by the Pew Research Center — you’re probably aware that there’s already a wealth of stereotypes about your generation. For example, you spend too much money on fancy brunches. You stare at your smartphone screen all day. Perhaps most insultingly, you’re more than happy to sponge off your parents instead of going out and living on your own. Whether or not you spend too much time scrolling through your social media feeds while enjoying $20 avocado toast with friends, the stereotype of millennials living at home for too long is a myth more often than not. A recent survey found that about 60 percent of millennials live somewhere other than their hometown, and more than 80 percent have moved at some point in their lives, other than leaving for college.


Although previous generations of Americans moved almost exclusively for pragmatic reasons, millennials are just as likely to move for lifestyle reasons or to experience somewhere new as they are to move for a new job. Far from the popular conception, millennials are less likely than previous generations to be tied down to where their parents live. However, just because you’re willing and ready to make a big change such as moving doesn’t mean you’re fully prepared for the experience. You may be ready to jump feet first into the adventure of moving to a new home, but you probably have a lot of questions about the process. How much money will you need to move out of your parents’ house? How can you live with a roommate without going crazy or fighting over chores? How will you meet new friends in your new community?


The accompanying millennial moving tips can be very helpful for young people looking to relocate for the first, second or even third time. Even though you’re better prepared for the world of the future than previous generations ever were, there are a lot of major life events that school doesn’t prepare you for, and moving is one of them. For example, if you’re planning to buy a home, you may not be thinking about saving for a down payment, but it’s one of the most important things you can do. Starting to save as early as possible is crucial for making sure you can accomplish your goals. You’ll also need to start thinking about how to make a budget for yourself to avoid getting into trouble with your bills.


Once you take the leap and move to your new community, you’ll need to know how to make new friends and form new relationships. That’s why this moving guide also includes some tips about finding a roommate you can live with, as well as how to meet people when moving to a new neighborhood.


As a millennial, you’re more open to new experiences than people in your parents’ generation, but being open to a new experience and being ready for it are two different things. Read this guide to make sure you’re prepared for the experience of moving.

Author bio: Kate Houston is Director of Client Services at Ward North American. She attended Minot State University, and has more than 25 years of experience in the transportation and relocation industry.